This site belongs to Wesley Coakley, also known on the Internet as wesl-ee and locally known simply as Me (´ ∀ ` *)

Afront Ōtorii at Yasukuni Shrine during a Trip to Tōkyō (left) and a drawn self-portrait (right)

You're reading my homepage & personal wiki; nothing is off-topic here! The big blue links like this one will lead you further down the rabbit-hole of this site so click as many of those as you can to learn more! Approach pages on this site as if they are Wikipedia articles, and click relevant large blue links to read the related article.

I am the only one with write-access so all opinions are my own and all information here can only be as correct as I am; this site is generated with love and ikiwiki and collects much of my writing, ranging from full-length write-ups to thoughts I have throughout the day. It is my personal knowledge base and also the manifestation of my character on the Wired.

I still haven't filled out many of the pages on this site but if you'd like to start exploring my personal wiki some the best way is to read a little about Me because that's who's writing this!


Here are some of the topics I write about here. Larger text means I've written more about that topic.

All pages on this site are available in chronological order under the New Posts page.