Last October I gave a presentation to the Linux User Group @ N.C. State titled "Emulating LAN/WAN Technologies from the Comfort of your Own Home with GNS-3". In that presentation I explored several methods for simulating complex virtual networks on a single host. The approach I spent the most time on in that presentation involved FRR Docker containers networked via GNS3. I've found this approach to be quite lightweight and intuitive and I use this approach myself for learning new networking concepts and validating my understanding of the underlying software.

This article demonstrates the complete setup of an emulated two-tier network inside GNS3. Connectivity at the distribution layer is provided by containerized instances of FRR running OSPFv2. Later a Cumulus VX is introduced to the topology which provides the same functionality but using a full network operating system. A basic knowledge of networking is assumed but certain concepts are explored in depth so that this write-up may be used as a learning resource as well as a reference for building other topolgies using the same tools.

Below is the topology we'll ultimately construct. It sports one backbone OSPFv2 area made from 3 FRR Docker containers and one Cumulus Linux VX allowing east-west traffic between two Alpine tenants. Area 0 is organized in a ring to demonstrate how link failures can affect routing around this topology.

GNS3 topology which this article ultimately constructs

Why use FRRouting / Docker / GNS3?

The stack I use here may be surprising to some and absolutely heretical to others. After all, many may associate GNS3 only with IOS and Cisco hardware. GNS3 however supports many backends like QEMU VMs, Virtualbox VMs, VPCS and (of immediate interest) Docker containers. My reasons for choosing this stack over other possible simulation methods others are:

  1. GNS3, Docker, QEMU and FRR are all free software
  2. FRR supports many routing protocols so many common networks can be modeled
  3. Containerization makes each router lightweight so one can spin up more routers with less overhead than running many FRR instances in full VMs

And most importantly for me, my work often involves messing with one or another FRR daemon so this is useful for debugging and testing my patches to FRR itself 🙂

Before we get started, I'll give a a small disclaimer that this all probably works on a Windows or Mac machine but I've never tested it; I only develop from my Gentoo Linux machine but both Docker and GNS3 have Windows installers so try it if you're feeling adventurous.

Getting Started

The first step is to install the tools that the rest of this write-up will use. The install steps will vary depending on the operating system but the necessary tools are:

Docker provides the platform for running several FRR containers while GNS3 will connect these containers together in an arbitrary topology and provides a nice GUI to interface with. In version 2.2.0 GNS3 added support for persistent storage via Docker and this ability is leveraged here to install persistent FRR configurations on each of the routers.

Pull the Docker image for FRR from its dockerhub page to begin. We host both a latest tag and versioned tags which correspond to older releases. Either of these can be pulled as below:

# Pull the latest FRR from Dockerhub
docker pull frrouting/frr:latest
# Pull a specific version of FRR from Dockerhub
docker pull frrouting/frr:v7.5.1

Pulling a specific version of FRR instead of the latest tag is recommended. It's worth also noting that versioned tags such as v7.5.1 often offer builds for a wider variety of architectures. Keep this in mind if running GNS3 + Docker on an ARM platform.

w@kvm-gentoo ~ $ docker images frrouting/frr
REPOSITORY          TAG         IMAGE ID            CREATED        SIZE
frrouting/frr       latest      5bcd24ea1fed        2 weeks ago    148MB
frrouting/frr       v7.5.1      c3e13a4c5918        6 weeks ago    123MB
frrouting/frr       <none>      a5126e6790df        2 months ago   141MB
frrouting/frr       v7.5.0      10a01d3ff955        6 months ago   123MB

A Note on Building Your own FRR Image

Images published to FRR's Dockerhub are built from scripts available in FRR's source repository; the script uses a series of Alpine containers to build a final image also based on Alpine. Containers can be built directly on the host machine instead of pulling from Dockerhub by running a build script available in our repository:

git clone ''
cd frr
# Checkout tags, edit files etc.

This approach is helpful when adding new features or testing fixes to FRR itself as it will build directly from the current working branch.

If setting up a network that emulates clients or tenants it may be useful to import some other images such as alpine to use as edge devices.

# Pull an Alpine Linux container that we'll use as an edge device
docker pull alpine

Working with Docker Images in GNS3

Next these containers will be imported to GNS3 to use later. With the GNS3 GUI open go to "Edit" → "Preferences" → "Docker containers". Then create a new container template for the FRR image that was just built or pulled.

Docker container configuration in GNS3

After clicking through the "new container" dialog the new FRR container will be visible in the list of available devices in the left-hand pane. Next it's important to find and right-click the device in that pane, hit "Configure Template" and go to the "Advanced" tab.

Enter /etc/frr under the "Additional directories to make persistent". This could also be done with the image's VOLUMES config directly in Docker but it's easier to do here in my opinion. /etc/frr is the default directory FRR stores its configuration files. The two important files here are frr.conf and daemons.

Configuration of the persistent storage

Now each FRR container brought into the GNS3 workspace will have its own persistent configuration directory. This is important for configuring the routers that will define the network as each router now gets its own configuration file. It's also helpful to set an icon for the container to differentiate it from other devices. I happen to know where to find an FRR SVG file which can be imported into GNS3 (^∇^).

This persistent storage is allocated per-node and is located in the GNS3 project folder. For example, if there were 3 of these FRR nodes in a project workspace then there would be three directories under $PROJECT_NAME/project-files/docker:

w@kvm-gentoo ~ $ ls -l code/gns3/untitled/project-files/docker/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 w w 17 May 26 13:25 a604d518-9fd9-454c-adf1-1be593d8944a
drwxr-xr-x 3 w w 17 May 24 22:01 de5e2cb9-daf4-4a63-909f-a0d0f51fe227
drwxr-xr-x 3 w w 17 May 24 22:01 e12f6df6-1c43-4151-886b-fb2381cf436e

The names GNS3 gives to Docker image instances seem to be arbitrary; this makes it difficult to know which configuration file is in which directory. To remedy this I often create symlinks that correspond to the names of the routers in my topology:

ln -s a604d518-9fd9-454c-adf1-1be593d8944a r1

There are a few ways to find which node-id corresponds to which router in the topology. The easiest is to add nodes one at a time and then symlink them as they are added to the workspace. This is the method I use as it's brutally simple and easy to fill out as the topology is created.

Another method, especially useful if labeling a topology that's already constructed, is to simply right-click on a router in the workspace and either click "Show node information" or "Show in file manager". Both will show the "Router ID" which will help locate to the folder.

Working with a Single Node

Before networking containers together let's get comfortable working with just a single node.

Single-node setup

Drag an FRR node from the left pane onto a blank workspace. Right-click the node and select "Start". This will immediately boot the container and from this point on the container can be interacted with as a normal Docker container from any terminal:

w@kvm-gentoo ~ $ docker ps --format '{{.ID}}: {{.Image}}'
d55364e9df0a: frrouting/frr:v7.5.1
w@kvm-gentoo ~ $ docker exec -it d55364e9df0a vtysh
Hello, this is FRRouting (version 7.5.1_git).
Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.


vtysh is the program used to interact with FRR's many daemons, ospfd and zebra among them. The above workflow is the most convenient way to spawn this shell on a router provisioned by GNS3 + Docker.

Instead of vtysh one could spawn /bin/bash and edit /etc/frr/frr.conf directly on the router but it will be easier once we have the whole topology to edit these files from the host's filesystem. To find where the /etc/frr/ directory is on the host, right-click the node and choose "Show in file manager". I'd recommend calling this node r1 and creating a symlink resolving the node's ID to a friendlier name in that persistent directory as I demonstrated above.

Running OSPFv2 on a two-node topology

Good news: configuring an OSPFv2 router with FRR is easy! There's really only two steps:

  1. Change ospfd=no to ospfd=yes in /etc/frr/daemons
  2. Configure OSPFv2 parameters in /etc/frr/frr.conf

Of course planning out the topology beforehand is important too but GNS3's drawing and notation tools can help with this step. Nodes can be connected together using the "Link" option in the left-hand panel; just select which interfaces terminate either side of the link when connecting two nodes.

A two-node setup in GNS3

The frr.conf of each router is quite simple. Once the daemons file has been edited to have ospfd=yes instead of ospfd=no then add the following files to the persistent storage:

w@kvm-gentoo ~/.../project-files/docker $ cat r1/etc/frr/frr.conf
router ospf
    network area
interface eth0
    ip address

... and for r2 it's nearly the same thing:

w@kvm-gentoo ~/.../project-files/docker $ cat r2/etc/frr/frr.conf 
router ospf
    network area
interface eth0
    ip address

It is also possible to configure a static IP through /etc/network/interfaces but since this is partly an FRR tutorial I've configured it through the suite itself.

Starting FRR and Packet Tracing

If both routers were now started from the GNS3 "Start/Resume" button something like this could be seen from a vtysh instance spawned via docker exec:

r1# show ip ospf database

       OSPF Router with ID (

                Router Link States (Area

Link ID         ADV Router      Age  Seq#       CkSum  Link count        20 0x80000005 0xa83b 1        20 0x80000004 0x9831 1

                Net Link States (Area

Link ID         ADV Router      Age  Seq#       CkSum        21 0x80000001 0x4fc3

If this or something similar appears then congratulations! Both routers are peering via OSPFv2. If the peering does not happen (or if there is an "unknown command" error) just ensure OSPFv2 is enabled in the daemons file and that both routers are part of the same area

One of the extremely cool things about GNS3 is that one can watch packets on the wire between r1 and r2 flow in real-time. Right-clicking the link will prompt to open Wireshark and will immediately show packet dumps on this cable. Flapping the eth0 interface on r2 will show an exchange of routing information in the Wireshark trace.

Example exchange of routing information in OSPFv2

This is insanely cool! Especially considering that my workflow for something like this before GNS3 had been to tcpdump on a VX and then pull the pcap back to my computer and load it into Wireshark just to view it... the ability to watch the trace in real-time is very helpful in deepening my understanding of (among many things) the exchange of LSAs in arbitrary topologies. This is not limited to just OSPF but this protocol is what I've played with most often in this sandbox.

Expanding into a Ring Topology

Because two routers is never enough let's add two more! I will connect these four in a ring topology instead of a full-mesh.

A 4-node Ring Topology

If the SPF algorithm were not running nodes which were not directly connected would have no route to each-other. Running OSPFv2 here allows traffic to be routed around this topology easily, and the ring topology (as opposed to a chain topology) avoids introducing a single point of failure as we'll see when we blow up a link later on.

Here is the frr.conf for r1:

w@kvm-gentoo ~/.../project-files/docker $ cat r1/etc/frr/frr.conf 
router ospf
    network area
interface eth0
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth1
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point

... r2:

w@kvm-gentoo ~/.../project-files/docker $ cat r2/etc/frr/frr.conf 
router ospf
    network area
interface eth0
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth1
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point

... r3:

w@kvm-gentoo ~/.../project-files/docker $ cat r3/etc/frr/frr.conf 
router ospf
    network area
interface eth0
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth1
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point

... and r4:

w@kvm-gentoo ~/.../project-files/docker $ cat r4/etc/frr/frr.conf 
router ospf
    network area
interface eth0
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth1
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point

One further difference between this topology and the previous 2-node setup is the inclusion of ip ospf network point-to-point which suppresses the election of a Designated Router (DR) and Backup Designated Router (BDR). With only two nodes on any ethernet segment in this configuration there is no point in electing a DR since a DR only serves to minimize the number of flooded LSAs on a segment with many OSPF routers.

One can verify that adjacent nodes have formed the expected neighbor relationships via vtysh:

r1# show ip ospf neighbor 

Neighbor ID     Pri State           Dead Time Address         Interface       RXmtL RqstL DBsmL        1 Full/DROther      37.972s      eth0:     0     0     0        1 Full/DROther      38.523s      eth1:     0     0     0

If the point-to-point directive were omitted some nodes would be elected as DRs and BDRs for the configured segments. Instead in this case all neighbors are labeled DROther indicating they are neither DRs nor BDRs.

Adding Clients to the Access Layer

The ring topology created above represents a distribution layer; in a datacenter the switches at this layer are typically called top-of-rack (TOR) switches (though they are more often full-mesh and not in a ring topology) and they provide network access to the tenants in their rack. Right now this topology has no tenants.

Let's add two tenants here, tenant1 and tenant2, to two separate racks. In order for the routers in the backbone to know where to route packets destined for either tenant the external subnets must be redistributed into the network by their bordering routers, known as AS boundary routers or ASBRs.

I use one of GNS3's built-in unmanaged L2 switches from the "Browse Switches" tab on the left to connect tenants logically to the network, though this is mostly unnecessary and tenants could simply be directly connected to the switches running FRR. The introduction of the unmanaged switch only demonstrates that the subnet may be configured arbitrarily without affecting east-west traffic.

End-devices in the access layer are connected together by the distribution layer

For tenants I've used simple Alpine images pulled from the Alpine Dockerhub. Unlike the FRR container's IPs which were configured in frr.conf the container IP for Alpine is configured through GNS3 by right-clicking the Alpine node in the workspace and selecting "Edit config", which allows quick editing of the /etc/network/interfaces file.

For tenant1 this config looks like:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

... and for tenant2 I've simply got:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Since two networks will be attached to the current one the frr.conf files of the bordering routers must be tweaked some. For instance, the router will need to be informed to not run OSPF on this interface, and it must also know to redistribute this interface into the backbone area.

On the r2 ASBR I've adjusted the /etc/frr/frr.conf file to look like:

router ospf
    network area
    redistribute connected
    passive-interface eth2
interface eth0
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth1
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth2
    ip address

... and the r3 ASBR looks like:

router ospf
    network area
    redistribute connected
    passive-interface eth2
interface eth0
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth1
    ip address
    ip ospf network point-to-point
interface eth2
    ip address

Notice that on the "access layer" (that is, where the tenants are connected) the default route is set to the address of the ASBR for that subnet. Traffic is then routed around the "distribution layer" (where all the FRR switches are) as appropriate. One could connect this topology to the Internet via a default route through one (or several) of the FRR switches but I will forego this in the interest of not modeling the Internet (`・ω・´)”.

With some GNS3 magic you can even connect this topology to the actual Internet...

Traceroute and Link Flapping

Let's make sure the topology works as expected. Though I often use docker exec to spawn an additional shell on the Alpine tenants it's just as easy to right-click the node and select "Console" which will open a telnet session to the node. Just remember to ^] instead of ^D or exit otherwise you will kill the main process and the tenant will shut off!

/ # hostname
/ # traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
 1 (  0.618 ms  0.439 ms  0.289 ms
 2 (  0.541 ms  0.806 ms  0.624 ms
 3 (  1.118 ms  1.127 ms  0.852 ms
/ #

Whoah, that's going all the way to the other tenant! Pretty neat. Now that east-west traffic is flowing let's try to break it by turning off an interface along that path. Specifically, I'll shut the eth0 interface on r3.

/ # hostname
/ # ip link set eth0 down

With that interface offline the changes should propagate to the link-state database as soon as the dead timer on r2 expires. At that point r2 emits a Hello packet and upon not receiving a reply from will emit an LSA containing this update to its only neighbor, who in-turn relays that to their other neighbor and so on.

Once this information has flooded the area try another traceroute. Remember that the prior shortest path between tenant1 and tenant2 was effectively severed in the middle.

/ # hostname
/ # traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
 1 (  0.364 ms  0.385 ms  0.291 ms
 2 (  0.477 ms  0.763 ms  0.604 ms
 3 (  0.831 ms  0.859 ms  0.790 ms
 4 (  0.922 ms  1.263 ms  1.117 ms
 5 (  1.373 ms  1.558 ms  1.443 ms

Even though that interface was axed traffic still went around the ring, using five hops this time instead of three; notice that the path is through r1 and r4 instead of r2 to r3. Kick-ass!

Throwing Cumulus VX into the Mix

In case things were not complicated (read: cool) enough we'll now substitute one of the FRR containers for a Cumulus Linux VX running in QEMU. This emulation can also be accomplished with Virtualbox if you like that better or don't have QEMU installed.

Head over to the Cumulus VX download page and snag a .qcow2 image (for free!). Once the image is downloaded it can be imported into GNS3 under "Edit → Preferences → Qemu VMs" (or "VirtualBox VMs"). From here find and select the downloaded .qcow2. Many of the default parameters for VMs in GNS3 are fine but I've found that the following greatly improved my CL VX performance. Tune these values to your own machine as not everyone has 32GiB of RAM for VM reasons (`・ω・´)”:

  1. Increase maximum allowed RAM from 256Mib → 2GiB
  2. Increase vCPU allocation from 1 → 2 cores
  3. Increase the number of network adapters from 1 to 4

It may be wise to choose vnc as the console instead of telnet. Some CL images send things to console and others only output to the connected display. For the networking, advanced adapter settings are available under the "Network" tab of the "Configure" window though I haven't found much use for them yet.

I also suggest picking a cool icon for your VX!

Installing and Configuring a Cumulus VX in the Ring Topology

Since Cumulus Linux uses FRR as its routing suite it's straightforward to replace the old FRR container r1 in the example topology with a CL VX since the config is the exact same. Since this is a VM and not an FRR Docker container the switch has all the expected Cumulus-isms as well as a full arsenal of Debian utilities.

It's important to know that CL VX will label the first interface as eth0 and the remaining will be labeled as swpX interfaces. Don't ask me why but just add one more interface than is needed and start connecting links around the topology starting from the second interface (e1).

As far as I can tell GNS3 clones the original CL image for each node dropped into the workspace so multiple CL VX can be introduced without interfering with each-other. This also means that configuration made to the VM disappears once the node is deleted from the workspace which can be a Good or a Bad Thing.

Adding many VMs introduces overhead to the host computer, and though GNS3 can be ran remotely it is likely that a developer's typical system may become overloaded if running too many VX in VMs. For that reason I recommend FRR Docker containers where possible and VX only where needed, though there are some high-traffic cases where even the containers may overheat. This is especially true for GNS3 and other simulation tools since there is no physical ASIC to off-load the normal data-plane operations to.

Anyhow this is the final topology!

Final two-tier topology in GNS3

Special Considerations / Limits

In any environment where devices must be highly available such as the datacenter it may be useful to tune the protocol timers to be more aggressive. FRR has the frr defaults datacenter directive which "reflects a single administrative domain with intradomain links using aggressive timers" that does just that.

However when timer adjustment is not enough protocols like BFD can be leveraged to provide extremely quick reaction to link-down events. Incidentally FRR has a daemon bfdd which provides BFD support for many of its daemons (ˆڡˆ)v. I'm unsure of bfdd performance in a strictly virtual environment like GNS3 but because GNS3 does not emulate an ASIC this likely causes lots of CPU overhead and timing jitter which is not acceptable for testing the extreme lower limits of BFD timers.

Of course, one could relax the timing window for BFD but if one is debugging timing issues... there are ways to connect physical switches to GNS3 (via the "Cloud" object in the left-hand pane) but I don't own a physical switch so it's hard to test that capability.


GNS3 can do some seriously cool stuff! Given its popularity as a platform for training with Cisco IOS images it's understandable that people may not have played with the more hidden bits of GNS3. As explored in this write-up it can also network together Docker containers and even connect together NOS VX images like Cumulus VX.

Recently this has become my preferred way to quickly network boxes together, particularly FRR containers. It's not hard to imagine a topology with many FRR containers and a single "device-under-test" VM where FRR or some other suite could be quickly built and installed. Some tests could then be executed (or even orchestrated?) and network coherence could be quickly established by inspection of the DUT VM and surrounding containers. Or maybe this could all be connected out to a physical lab full of switching hardware or maybe it could be connected to many other GNS3 environments or maybe, or maybe...

In any case this is an approach I've found extremely useful for NOS development and I hope writing it all down helps someone down the line!