Neovim is powerful. Large language models are powerful. Recently I've combined these two with model.nvim (formerly LLM.nvim); I have seen amazing results.

Demo in the style of an old YouTube tutorial minus Notepad and the WMM title card 🔊🆙


My work sponsored a Copilot license for me earlier this year and that spoiled me. Having actually decent text completion in addition to neovim's LSP suggestions made the tedious bits of programming a breeze. Normally I'm not a fan of ghost text but Copilot's is quite nice.

I began wondering if I could emulate this same thing on my personal desktop experience as I bought a 3090 a few months ago to tinker with stable-diffusion and bigger LLMs locally. model.nvim came up during my research and I explored the plugin thoroughly. There were a few other plugins claiming to offer access to LLMs but model.nvim seemed to be the simplest and easiest to hack.

model.nvim lacked an interface for Langserve / Langchain so I added that. Langchain lets you create complex chains of LLMs, each operating on the output of the model before it in the chain. In my case I wanted to query a chain with access to a Vectorstore of my personal wiki to attempt to write in my style and to generally act as an editor of my work. Unfortunately the results were disappointing, more on that later.

Configuring model.nvim with Lua

This is not so weird but configures some keystrokes to invoke my models. One difference from this and Copilot is that the model is not automatically queried, instead relying on these keymaps to invoke the model. This means you need to be in normal mode when querying, which can get weird during coding!

I found it easiest to press <C-o> while in insert mode which lets you execute one normal mode command after which the editor returns to insert mode. So in my case where I have <leader> mapped to the space bar I press <C-o> <leader>lc to invoke a locally-hosted Langchain chain powered by codellama-13b.Q5_K_M.gguf offering fill-in-the-middle capability for wherever my cursor is at the time on invokation.

Anyway here is the config:

vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>ld', ':Mdelete<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>lj', ':Mselect<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>lq', ':Mcancel<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>ls', ':Mshow<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>ll', ':Model langserve:general-instruct<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>lr', ':Model langserve:rewriting-assistant<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>lc', ':Model langserve:codellama-coding-assistant<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>tj', ':Model langserve:translator-jp-en<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>te', ':Model langserve:translator-en-jp<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>cj', ':Mchat openai<cr>')
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'v'}, '<leader>cc', ':Mchat<cr>')

local starters = require('model.prompts.starters')
local langserve = require('model.providers.langserve')
local llm = require('model')
local prompts = require('model.util.prompts')

    local langchain_endpoint = ''

    return {
    hl_group = 'Comment',
    prompts = {
      ['langserve:translator-jp-en'] = {
        provider = langserve,
        options = {
          base_url = langchain_endpoint .. 'translator/',
          output_parser = langserve.chat_generation_chunk_parser
        builder = function(input, context)
          return {
            input_language = "english",
            output_language = "japanese",
            text = input,
      ['langserve:translator-en-jp'] = {
        provider = langserve,
        options = {
          base_url = langchain_endpoint .. 'translator/',
          output_parser = langserve.chat_generation_chunk_parser
        builder = function(input, context)
          return {
            input_language = "japanese",
            output_language = "english",
            text = input,
      ['langserve:codellama-coding-assistant'] = {
        provider = langserve,
        options = {
          base_url = langchain_endpoint .. 'codellama-coding-assistant/',
          output_parser = langserve.generation_chunk_parser
        builder = function(input, context)
          local surrounding_text = prompts.limit_before_after(context, 30)
          local selection = ""
          if context.selection then -- we only use input if we have a visual selection
            selection = input
          return {
            before = surrounding_text.before,
            after = surrounding_text.after,
            selection = selection,
            filename = context.filename,
        mode = llm.mode.INSERT_OR_REPLACE,
      ['langserve:writing-assistant'] = {
        provider = langserve,
        options = {
          base_url = langchain_endpoint .. 'writing-assistant/',
          output_parser = langserve.chat_generation_chunk_parser,
        builder = function(input, context)
          return {
            text = input,
      ['langserve:general-instruct'] = {
        provider = langserve,
        options = {
          base_url = langchain_endpoint .. 'general-instruct/',
          output_parser = langserve.chat_generation_chunk_parser,
        builder = function(input, context)
          return {
            text = input,
      ['langserve:rewriting-assistant'] = {
        provider = langserve,
        options = {
          base_url = langchain_endpoint .. 'rewriting-assistant/',
          output_parser = langserve.chat_generation_chunk_parser,
        builder = function(input, context)
          return {
            text = input,
        mode = llm.mode.REPLACE,
} end)())

Obviously how langchain_endpoint is configured doesn't let me use this on any computer without the 3090 in it, but I'm still working on a solution to that!


One problem I encountered while using model.nvim with my personal wiki was the disappointing results it produced. Despite my efforts to create a complex chain of language models using Langchain, the output did not meet my expectations. The generated text did not accurately reflect my writing style, and it struggled to effectively edit or act as an editor of my work.

The problem is that models trained for general tasks suck hard at emulating an arbitrary writing style. Even when describing my style and supplying several samples with relevant material using a Vectorstore of my personal wiki the model is unable to write in a style that doesn't just read like a generic content-farm. I've varied the prompt so many times and have not found any settings satisfactory for editing or generating anything that sounds like me.

Likely the solution to this problem involves training a model locally using the llama2 model I use right now as a base for transfer learning.

Funnily enough I completely forgot the phrase “transfer learning” while drafting the above paragraph. I still knew what I wanted to describe, however, so I consulted an instruction-tuned LLM for the answer right from Neovim. I have not rigged chatting in model.nvim up to my Langchain chains yet so this is using gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 from OpenAI. Quick conversations like this have largely replaced Googling for simple things like this for me. It's surprising how much more convenient and accurate it is, even with tasks one would expect it not to excel at. Below wallpaper source is @vinneart.

Configuring Langserve + Langchain

I'm not posting my whole langchain repo because it's a bit of a mess but here is how a chain (my code assistant for instance) is served with Langserve.


from fastapi import FastAPI
from langserve import add_routes
from chain import LlmChains

app = FastAPI(title="Retrieval App")

llm_chains = LlmChains()
add_routes(app, llm_chains.chain_codellama_coding_assistant(), path="/codellama-coding-assistant")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host='')

… and here is the Langchain side of things for the code assistant.

from langchain.llms import LlamaCpp
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate

    input_variables=["before", "after"],
    template=" <PRE> {before} <SUF>{after} <MID>"

class LlmChains:
    chat_codellama_llm = LlamaCpp(

    def chain_codellama_coding_assistant(self):
        return DEFAULT_LLAMA_CODE_PROMPT | self.chat_codellama_llm

Codellama was actually trained on a 16k context window but I can't fit that whole window into VRAM with this particular 13b model, so 8k it is :) When offloading all layers to the GPU I see 56.20 tokens per second with these parameters. I could afford to run some of this on CPU to nail that 16k context window as I have a comical 76GiB of RAM available on this machine but CPU inference is slower; I can comfortably load about half the layers on my 3090 if I double the context window to 16k but that pulls my speed down to about 3.7 tokens per second for the same model. We are not even going to attempt to run 34b as that would require either a very tiny window or too much on the CPU.

In any case, the prompt template here, <PRE> {before} <SUF>{after} <MID> took me so long to get right but works well now, as long as I use the trick I showed earlier about entering the model.nvim command in insert-normal mode with <C-o>.

So far, after a week of usage, I have blown a full $0.17 USD on OpenAI credits for queries. A far better deal than paying for Copilot at $19 / mo or ChatGPT Plus at $20 / mo.