IPFS is the Inter-planetary filesystem. I'm not sure exactly why it's called that but it's a really cool technology. The main idea of IPFS is that at its core it stores files across a distributed network, and that complexity can be abstracted away to make IPFS just feel like you're reading from a pretty slow hard-drive. But the reality is, of course, that each non-cached read is fetching blocks of files from computers scattered across the world.

Distributed Hash Tables

One of the essential technologies that powers IPFS storage is the distributed hash table, or DHT. A DHT is a key-value structure that is spread across a wide-area network like the Internet. In simplest terms, you feed a key into the DHT and it will return a value just as a regular hash table would.

Nowadays many libraries (IPFS being one such library) use variations on the original idea of a DHT to socialize new peers into the network and to facilitate the discovery of files across a wide-area network like the Internet. The magnet files you sometimes get for torrents that are a mile long and look like magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d4997b8e18d5c1ef8067753cc3eecc3e612fa9af&dn=%5BTOMA%5D%20Golden%20Boy%20%28Dual%20Audio%20EN%2BJP%29%20%5B720x480%5D&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.tracker.wf%3A7777%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3A451%2Fannounce specify a unique file on P2P network which is a variant of a Kademlia DHT called Mainline DHT. The xt specifies what file you're talking about; you can use this link to connect to the torrent network without ever touching a tracker. That's why they're called trackerless torrents after all ∩( ・ω・)∩ everything after the xt parameter is just extra information and may include information about a tracker (tr) but this is optional information that only serves to make the download go faster.

Anyway before peer-to-peer networks began using DHT technology there were primarily two ways peers shared information and routed queries:

  1. Via centralized servers, or
  2. Network flooding

You may contest that a network that routes queries using central servers (1) is not truly a decentralized network; you'd be right.

Centralized servers are vulnerable to being censored, either voluntarily or "voluntarily"; Soulseek, the P2P file-sharing platform used mostly to share and distribute music, is a good example of this; there are some queries for well-known artists like "Bob Dylan" or "The Beatles" which Soulseek's servers refuse to answer despite the files being shared by the network's peers.

Gnutella (a variant of which was Limewire) is a good example of a protocol that uses network flooding (2) to socialize nodes on the network. A peer on Gnutella is constantly receiving queries from its neighboring peers and it will relay these queries to its own peers until the time-to-live (TTL) on a query is exhausted. I may be simplifying the details of it a bit but I know that Gnutella is not scalable because of this decision in its design. You can't really fault the original team though because this was the year 2000 and DHT was only really popularized a few years later.

Chunking Files

When staging files to be uploaded to IPFS the file's contents are first chunked into fixed-size blocks of data, then each block is uploaded independently of the other blocks to the network. Each unique block of data has a unique hash which will be used as the key in the network's DHT; IPFS calls this hash a "Content Identifier" (CID). The chunks are then organized into a Merkle DAG (directed acyclic graph); the root node of this tree identifies the file itself so in order to fetch the uploaded file one only needs to know the CID of its root node. As users interact with and view this file it is replicated across the network and made available even if the original uploader goes offline.

Merkle DAGs are used outside IPFS too; the most interesting (to me) application of DAGs is their use in Ethereum's hashing algorithm Ethhash. More generally, Merkle trees and Merkle roots are used in Bitcoin's and Ethereum's block headers for validating the set of transactions within block.

Installing + Using IPFS

Make sure you have an IPFS client installed before accessing the network. I like the official go-ipfs client which is bundled for release on many OS. Either compile from source or follow the instructions at that repository for installing the client on your OS.

With the client installed you can retrieve files from the network once you initialize its environment.

ipfs@gyw:~$ ipfs init
ipfs@gyw:~$ ipfs cat /ipfs/QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG/readme

Hello and Welcome to IPFS!

██╗██████╗ ███████╗███████╗
██║██████╔╝█████╗  ███████╗
██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══╝  ╚════██║
██║██║     ██║     ███████║
╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝     ╚══════╝

If you're seeing this, you have successfully installed
IPFS and are now interfacing with the ipfs merkledag!

| Warning:                                              |
|   This is alpha software. Use at your own discretion! |
|   Much is missing or lacking polish. There are bugs.  |
|   Not yet secure. Read the security notes for more.   |

Check out some of the other files in this directory:

  ./quick-start     <-- usage examples
  ./readme          <-- this file

You can even fetch this page itself over IPFS since I upload all changes to this wiki (rendered HTML + the raw text files) to IPFS and pin the latest copy on my server's own IPFS node. You can always access the latest version of this site using its IPNS identifier /ipns/k2k4r8mboahxabdczxp817ktff8blpdo6z32kjw5qjuvlc9c56tjbr9m; alternatively my Ethereum domain name also resolves to this URL which makes it a lot easier to remember: wesl-ee.eth.

Note that I am not liable for injuries if you choose to fetch this page which references itself recursively.

ipfs@gyw:~$ ipfs ls /ipns/wesl-ee.eth/txt
QmdkiSRWKc3XUJGNAsxXX6QhC8dFcQbJqEyNES52bBpTH1 -    BMW_318ti/
QmZK2Je1BvCPC2Npq1pSAju6dXe8jV8fk9K98iPWu28oTg 7599 Coffee.txt
QmPQsUXeZAU6wVGhJDJivZHpaWoLweTPvus7jzQ6JzXXjb -    Devices/
QmdELJZ9pFPDYgBHDrdHWH9diQZEpVYbhCW2FX3Xb7fwqt -    Digital_Money/
QmaZt5Hkz2gTvjy3XxmpWnnxQepsjQ3RsBiYQgpX1EFjoE 7303 Distributed_Hash_Table.txt
QmS1s5zHX4V7ZjtqiJzYP7pV9PXeu8kS35GsmYkKbiEPv7 -    Firefox/
QmeAP1pcWpUbiRCRuJmGMCqp4km3zcKVdwJ2dvtBuZPW9t -    HTML/
QmPPp8VL4nrgMafL8E8brUUs767sDuZHn2trjPMaFdk17V -    HooYa/
QmZrynjRdJCaZAFu2ehNubFav7KciuywU8SqFJHg5EDTpb 9229 IPFS.txt
QmZkPHZibpDQCT83RNpjXAaeEFM9tRSazUc9mvyW3fH4HN 4751 Japanese.txt
QmchQS5xy7Pq5ngjcMB6TggHat1wjVB1q4p61MGGTqYbKK 3553 Me.txt
QmerR1rpARa9c9sED71vC2usERA1N7QJexpSMotsKobTtJ -    Meta/
QmNqpPqFL5ZbXhoUA5PhRjUcLxFhPKuMsieXoMHoVgnWzj 1957 Meta.txt
QmV7X7hjoRjZN1223Xqi3ZjDJpyZtC6xa1dLBHpsgA2T6U -    Routing/
QmUixKXqD8ZmiYT9XNXV9Cy79DyYTRNSaYbDtL2sCMEDLT -    School/
QmUAVZroXkoTpduKwTgh5bpkSwAt5kAz12hg4yoBhzHZmK 26   Tokyo.txt
QmTkB6p946Yst2EKkReWrffdMQqJfJBsZzccDkfQRk84yP 3950 Virtual_Reality.txt
QmaX98ndt7UbzuQtx8nJ85Cqyoo2EQCQBmgSDrGSNMrRP4 1370 index.txt
QmR5R3uHjWMJ13ozeHnrt33gRmrtUyFm1r9cd5UvDm4Wvw 6202 pubkey.txt
ipfs@gyw:~$ ipfs cat /ipns/wesl-ee.eth/txt/IPFS.txt
IPFS is the Inter-planetary filesystem. I'm not sure exactly why it's called
that but it's a really cool technology. The main idea of IPFS is that at its
core it stores files across a distributed network, and that complexity can be
abstracted away to make IPFS just feel like you're reading from a pretty slow
hard-drive. But the reality is, of course, that each non-cached read is fetching
blocks of files from computers scattered across the world.

Installing + Using IPFS

Installing an add-on like IPFS companion makes browsing IPFS sites like mine easier and will transform all the ipfs.io links on this page into links pointing to your own IPFS node so you're reading directly from the network!