In many peer-to-peer software suites, there often is a desire to connect to clients directly, to exchange routing and peering information without passing through an application-layer middleman. In the case of Soulseek, a P2P file-sharing network akin to the old Napster or the Japanese "Perfect Dark" with a heavy focus on sharing music, the exchange of routing & peering information is facilitated by a pair of centralized servers to which every user connects. Some examples of network actions performed by users which rely on this central server are:

  • Submitting a keyword query to the network
  • Sending or receiving messages from a chat-room
  • Joining or leaving a chat-room
  • Joining or leaving the network

Obviously this is not ideal: having a central server, even if just for routing requests, introduces a single point of failure for the entire P2P network. If just one of these servers went down, for example, search requests would not be routed to users, rendering the network useless.

A central server in a P2P architecture can alleviate many of the problems associated with clients who are NAT'd and behind strict firewalls to communicate with peers on the network. Many home routers come out of the box with a strict firewall which does not allow unknown connections from WAN to reach out and probe computers on the LAN.

This is a great thing for security-minded individuals and network administrators alike as it helps to stop the spread of computer worms by protecting normally vulnerable systems (although the best defense is to upgrade your OS 😊) against direct exposure to the Internet. Many home routers allow you to bypass this safety net by toggling the "DMZ" for a device or by forwarding a range of ports from WAN to a device on the LAN.

Introduction to UDP NAT Traversal

UDP NAT Traversal (also known as UDP firewall hole-punching) is, in effect, identical to port-forwarding for clients behind something like your home's router; it is a networking technique which allows NAT'd devices to see incoming and unsolicited connections from outside clients via UDP, a connectionless and message-oriented transport protocol, without any special network configuration.

NAT traversal of this flavor takes advantage of UDP's connectionless nature; when NAT devices like your home router see a NAT'd device sending a UDP packet to an external device, the egress port which transmits that packet on the router's WAN side is kept open for a short period of time, anticipating replies to your UDP packet. We can (ab)use this short window to communicate directly with other clients in a P2P cluster. Some extremely permissive firewalls will forward datagrams from any address to the NAT'd host which sent them but most will only allow data to flow between the two hosts in question.

Bringing it Together with GoLang

UDP holepunching is pretty straightforward to trigger. For simplicity, I have scripted this demo with these two assumptions:

  1. There are only 2 devices we care about, a client and a server
  2. The server is reachable at a known transport address (IP + port)

Note that: the client does not need an open port or even a known transport address to achieve this; only the remote server needs to be addressable by the client. In practice, many NAT traversal schemes leverage some kind of signaling structure to direct two hosts to begin sending UDP packets at each other simultaneously to achieve the NAT traversal without needing to open ports on either end.

Below is some shell code you can run to download and run my demo, given you have Go installed already:

git clone udp-hole-punch
cd udp-hole-punch
go build
./udp-hole-punch # Runs server code
./udp-hole-punch <remote-address> # Runs client code, connects to remote-address

This is what the program looks like in-action: the top is a remote host listening on UDP4/9199 and exposed to the Internet, while the bottom pane is a terminal on my laptop, communicating via my WiFi network and behind my NAT router. I have no ports forwarded to my laptop so inbound connections are normally dropped at the WAN-side of the router.

Demonstration of a NAT traversal across my home router

As you can see above, the UDP packet sent by the client (my laptop) is replied to by the remote host on the exact port it ingressed on. This UDP reply reaches my home router and, because we have punched a hole in the firewall with the first packet, the incoming datagram is allowed to leak past the router where it finally reaches my laptop.

Let's look at the Go code which spins up the server. The server replies to messages with a datagram which, on receipt by the client, confirms that the client has punched a hole through the NAT:

func doServer(port int) {
    msgBuf := make([]byte, 1024)

    // Initiatlize a UDP listener
    ln, err := net.ListenUDP("udp4", &net.UDPAddr{Port: port})
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Unable to listen on :%d\n", port)

    fmt.Printf("Listening on :%d\n", port)

    for {
        // Await incoming packets
        rcvLen, addr, err := ln.ReadFrom(msgBuf)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Transaction was initiated but encountered an error!")

        fmt.Printf("Received a packet from: %s\n\tSays: %s\n",
            addr.String(), msgBuf[:rcvLen])

        // Let the client confirm a hole was punched through to us
        reply := "γŠεΈ°γ‚Šο½ž"
        copy(msgBuf, []byte(reply))
        _, err = ln.WriteTo(msgBuf[:len(reply)], addr)

        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("Socket closed unexpectedly!")

        fmt.Printf("Sent reply to %s\n\tReply: %s\n",
            addr.String(), msgBuf[:len(reply)])

... this creates a server which listens on an IPV4 address and a port and responds to every incoming request with a UDP datagram containing the reply γŠεΈ°γ‚Šο½ž. Because UDP is connectionless, when the client receives this reply they know that the traversal worked correctly. Now let's look at the code running on the client:

func doClient(remote string, port int) {
    msgBuf := make([]byte, 1024)

  // Resolve the passed address as UDP4
    toAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4", remote + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port))
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Could not resolve %s:%d\n", remote, port)

    fmt.Printf("Trying to punch a hole to %s:%d\n", remote, port)

    // Initiate the transaction (force IPv4 to demo firewall punch)
    conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp4", nil, toAddr)
    defer conn.Close()

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Unable to connect to %s:%d\n", remote, port)

    // Initiate the transaction, creating the hole
    msg := "γŸγ γ„γΎο½ž"
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, msg)
    fmt.Printf("Sent a UDP packet to %s:%d\n\tSent: %s\n", remote, port, msg)

    // Await a response through our firewall hole
    msgLen, fromAddr, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(msgBuf)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error reading UDP response!\n")

    fmt.Printf("Received a UDP packet back from %s:%d\n\tResponse: %s\n",
        fromAddr.IP, fromAddr.Port, msgBuf[:msgLen])

    fmt.Println("Success: NAT traversed! ^-^")

... this code simply sends a datagram towards the server and awaits a reply. On receipt, the client knows that the NAT was traversed successfully. At this point in the transaction the firewall hole created by our client-server interaction can be used to send any amount of data over the UDP socket until the hole is closed, though I do not do that for this demo.

With some slight modification you can make the code above re-use the socket to achieve bi-directional communication with the server easily. I've found that my home router leaves this port open for more than 5 minutes. Adding some keep-alive packets I am able to keep this channel open indefinitely.

Applications and Considerations

Successful NAT traversal allows clients behind firewalls and home routers to communicate directly and without the need for port-forwarding or a central routing server. Of course, the problems with NAT are not present with IPv6 but still many homes are not currently IPv6 capable. Including NAT traversal in a P2P application increases its potential audience for adoption by making it accessible to even a non-technical audience who may be uncomfortable triggering a port forward on their home machine, and additionally increases the resiliency of the network by creating and ensuring true point-to-point connectivity among neighboring overlay peers.

I plan to further implement this type of NAT traversal in my future P2P projects, leveraging technologies like STUN and ICE to connect overlay peers in a ring-like topology with a UDP backbone with UDT extensions for heavier data transfers. Once connectivity is established, even protocols like QUIC could be implemented over such a network.